Central Florida Region SCCA Solo II Count Down
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(click event for details)
Event # Solo II Points event, Deland Airport, Deland, Florida Deland Sun Jan 27  
Event # Solo II Points event, Brooksville/Hernando County Airport, Florida Brooksville Sun Feb 24  
Event # Evolution Challenge School, Brooksville/Hernando County Airport, Florida Brooksville Sat Mar 30  
Event # Solo II Points event, Brooksville/Hernando County Airport, Florida Brooksville Sun Mar 31  
Event # Solo II Points event, Daytona International Speedway, Daytona Beach, Florida Daytona Sat May 04  
Event # Solo II Points event, Daytona International Speedway, Daytona Beach, Florida Daytona Sun May 05  
Event # Solo II Points event, Sebring International Raceway, Sebring, Florida Sebring Sat Jun 08  
Event # Solo II Points event, Sebring International Raceway, Sebring, Florida Sebring Sun Jun 09  
Event # Solo II Points event, Deland Airport, Deland, Florida Deland Sun Jun 23  
Event # Solo II Points event, Sebring International Raceway, Sebring, Florida Sebring Sat Jul 20  
Event # Solo II Points event, Sebring International Raceway, Sebring, Florida Sebring Sun Jul 21  
Event # Solo II Points event, Daytona International Speedway, Daytona Beach, Florida Daytona Sat Aug 03  
Event # Solo II Points event, Daytona International Speedway, Daytona Beach, Florida Daytona Sun Aug 04  
Event # Solo II Points event, Deland Airport, Deland, Florida Deland Sun Sep 22  
Event # Solo II Points event, Daytona International Speedway, Daytona Beach, Florida Daytona Sat Sep 28  
Event # Solo II Points event, Daytona International Speedway, Daytona Beach, Florida Daytona Sun Sep 29  
Event # Solo II Practice event, Sebring International Raceway, Sebring, Florida Sebring Sat Oct 19  
Event # Solo II Points event, Sebring International Raceway, Sebring, Florida Sebring Sun Oct 20  
Event # Florida State Solo Championship, Florida FLS Champs Sat Nov 09  
Event # Florida State Solo Championship, Florida FLS Champs Sun Nov 10  
Event # Solo II Points event, Deland Airport, Deland, Florida Deland Sun Nov 24  

Getting Started
Minor Waiver
2016 Policy Manual
The Autocross FAQ
Workers Handbook
2016 Trophy Rules
STO Rules
Online Registration
SOLO Rules


Check our Images and Video pages regularly for media of our local events.
FIT Boys



Folks, We have moved to a new Web Site and it is located at Autocross.CfrScca.Org. The information here at this web site is slightly out of date, and soon will no longer be updated. Of particular note, the schedule here still shows Brooksville events, and all Brooksville events are now cancelled. This notice and hot link will remain for the time being, but soon, the domain www.cfrsolo2.com will be redirected to our new website at autocross.cfrscca.org.
2019 Daytona Showcase Event - Charity & Two Points Event Days - 5/4/19, 5/5/19
So the MotorsportReg.com link for the 2019 Daytona Showcase Event is open (see below). This is a two day points event - that is, there will be trophies and year end points awarded for both Saturday and Sunday. It is also a charity event. This year, we have chosen the Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Surgery as our charity to honor the memory of our late friend and autocross buddy Pete Smith. You will have at least three opportunities to give: 1) $8 from each entry fee will be donated, 2) the registration process will allow you to give an additional donation in $5 increments, and 3) we will be taking cash donations for this purpose at the site.
2019 Solo Schedule

Event Info and Registration links are not yet live. When they are, we will post links to the appropriate events at MotorsportReg.com: Event Info and Registration

Saturday, 04/13/2019 - Brooksville (Private Event) - Private Event
Sunday, 04/14/2019 - Brooksville (EVO Challenge School) - Event Info and Registration

Saturday, 05/04/2019 - Daytona - Event Info and Registration
Sunday, 05/05/2019 - Daytona - Event Info and Registration

The rest of the schedule... Coming Soon...

Brooksville 3-30, 3-31, 4-13, 4-14 are definitely ON
So the meeting with the Brooksville officials is complete. Special thanks to Dave Welsh and Joe Brannon for representing CFR SCCA Solo. The word is this: The airplane rip-em-up company, I believe Pemco, is willing to pay far more than we can afford to pay for the unused runway, and Brooksville is making a business decision and going with the customer that will generate the most dollars. We WILL have our next event, the Practice/Test and Tune on Saturday, March 30, 2019 and Points Event #3 on Sunday, March 31, 2019. Also, we will be having the prior advertised private event on Saturday, April 13, 2019, and the EVO Challenge School on Sunday, April 14, 2019. But we will not have use of the Brooksville runway that we have been using after those events are complete. They have offered some other areas of the airport for our use, and we will keep an open mind for the moment, and evaluate their potential as an autocross site during our 3/30/2019 Practice/Test and Tune event. We will be looking at these areas from a safety standpoint, an autocross fun standpoint, and from a logistical perspective. Meanwhile, we are building a strong list of other candidate sites, and regardless of the Brooksville situation, we will be pursuing these promising sites for future events, both this year and future seasons. Thanks For Your Patience! - Terry
Brooksville Update
We were able to contact the Brooksville Officials today, but they are still not officially giving us any bad news at this point. They have scheduled a meeting with us for next Monday. So as of now, we are in a wait and see posture. We are still assuming that our March 30/31st event is still a go, and hopefully the April 13th Private and April 14th Evo Challenge School. But stay tuned. Look for our next update on Monday, March 18th.
Brooksville Info 3/9/19
So, most have heard that the Brooksville site is cancelling their deal with Fast. At this time CFR SCCA has not been notified. We are planning on reaching out to the Brooksville Officials on Monday to determine how (and if) we are impacted. Based on the Fast information, we should be fine for our March 30th, 31st events, but potentially our April 13 private event and April 14th Evo Challenge School may be in doubt. Again we currently have no official word, so assume those four days are still a "GO" until we do hear from Brooksville. We will have an update to this on Monday after we have talked to Brooksville directly. Stay Tuned... -Terry
IMPORTANT: Regarding Entrance Requirements for Brooksville (10 Day Advance Gate List): CFR SCCA Solo Brooksville Gate List Procedures and FAQ

 Old News
Permanent CFR Number Selection

Permanent numbers can now be reserved for the year on DLB by selecting this link Simply select your number and class. Reserved numbers are on a first come first serve basis. Please pre-register for events to help speed up the registration process in the morning and also to make sure we have your correct information.

You should also check to verify that your SCCA membership is up to date for 2017. You can verify your membership on DLB by selecting "Account Settings" --> "Club Memberships" tab on the DLB page. Enter your SCCA number and choose Central Florida Region SCCA and click the "verify" button. This allows you to pre-pay with the SCCA membership rates.

2016 trophy rules and schedule are now available, see sidebar!

Welcome! Your official website for Sports Car Club of America sponsored Autocross and all racing Solo in and around the Central Florida area. For more information on SCCA Solo, Club Racing, and Rallycross, visit the SCCA website at www.scca.org. If you are not yet familiar with Autocross then read a short description of Solo here.

As was the case last year, do not forget to bring your driver's license and SCCA membership card to each event.

CFR Locals Bring It!